This poster is so great! I want to share it with all of you who have read my blog in the past. And guess what HHFM is? That is Hirsch Holistic Family Medicine. Evan Hirsch, MD, is my doctor. I think the poster was developed by his wife. Wouldn't it be great if all doctors understood the words in this poster, and how important real food is to healing? If you would like to hang this poster in your kitchen, you can order it below. Hmmm...maybe it's time to redecorate my kitchen in new, more sophisticated colors of the poster. What do you think?
New at HHFM: What is Real Food?
Hot off the press and in partnership with Two the Root our new "What is Real Food?" poster. Each poster is 16x20 on 80# 100% recycled card stock and printed locally with soy-based inks. Posters sell for $20.00. Stop by the office to get your copy or pick one up the next time you have an appointment. They will also be available for purchase online in mid-June at
Get one for your kitchen, office or for a friend.
For every poster sold, we will also donate $1 to GRuB, a non-profit gardening and education resource serving Thurston and Mason Counties in Washington State, for their GRuB in the Schools project. This program helps students who are struggling to engage and find success in the traditional school system earn core credits while learning about and contributing to local community food solutions. It is a wonderful project that deserves national attention. Find out more at GRuB in the Schools.